Temperatures and weather in Crete
These tables are based mainly on long-term averages. They are the averages of a month, not the highest daily temperatures which might be more than ten degrees higher than the tables show, same goes with the night-time temperatures. Lower on this page there are the absolute daily maximum and minimum readings in Rethymno in year 2009. There is a difference in temperatures between Cretan south and north coast; south coast is generally a few degrees warmer. (Lower on this page there is a table that compares temperatures in February between Rethymno, and the southernmost town in Europe, Ierapetra).
The climate in the Gavdos Island is classified as a subtropical climate. (It does not take part in these tables).
Average monthly temperatures in Crete
Highest daytime and lowest night-time temperatures in Crete
Average rainfall month by month in Crete
Average seawater temperatures in Crete
The temperature in seawater changes locally and the wind effects, too. In sheltered bays, where the sea has a sandy bottom, temperature in water is significantly higher than in the open beach water and also a long calm weather increases the water temperature.
Maximum daytime temperatures and minimum night-time temperatures month by month in Crete 2009.
From the link below you can see the whole month day by day.
Measurements were taken in Rethymno, Crete.
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Maximum daytime temperatures and minimum night-time temperatures month by month in Crete 2010.
From the link below you can see the whole month day by day.
Measurements were taken in Chania, Crete.
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
Elafonisi lagoon
Surface temperatures in Elafonisi in May 2008
Surface temperatures in Elafonisi in September 2008
When there is only a slight wind the surface temperatures decrease a little and also the amount of water that flows through the lagoon affects the lagoon’s temperature.
Temperature difference between north and south
Temperature differences between Cretan north and south coast in February 2009
Beaches in Crete
Temperature at 10cm depth in shallow water, close to the beach, in Rethymno in September
The surface temperature on dry sand was 58°C (136°F) and at a 10 cm depth only 27°C (80,6°F).
Measuring day was 18.9.2008 in the afternoon.
Weather and weather forecast in Crete.