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Agios nikolaosThe Port City of Agios Nikolaos
by / Juhani

Updated 18.11.2012

Agios Nikolaos was one of the very first hubs for tourism on the island of Crete. Favoured today by west European tourists, it’s still a bristeling hub of activity, with beautiful landscape and a wonderfully comfortable surroundings in this city of a little under 20000 local inhabitants.

Agios Nikolaos has one of Crete’s two lakes, originally a freshwater lake that was later connected to the sea by a channel in the 19th century.

Here’s a panoramic picture
from the channel bridge towards harbor.
Panoramic picture from the southern beach of Agios Nikolaos.
Panoramic picture from the lake.

Agios nikolaosThe bridge of the channel from the lake.



Additional information:

BOOK A HOTEL in Agios Nikolaos
Agios Nikolaos’s website:
Agios Nikolaos on Google maps

How was your visit to Agios Nikolaos? Remember to share you memories with us in the comments!